The Taming of the Shrew

The Taming of the Shrew (1858) was a theatre production by Christiania Theatre, based on the play by William Shakespeare.


(Objekt ID 77541)
Object type Production
Premiere March 21, 1858
Produced by Christiania Theatre
Based on The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare
Audience Adults
Number of events 28
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period 1858  —  1881


Øyvind Anker: Christiania Theaters repertoire 1827-99 (literally: Christiana Theatre's repertoire 1827-99).

Contributors (2)
Name Role
William Shakespeare – Playwright
Lucie Wolf – Actor (Katarina)
Performance dates
March 21, 1858Christiania Theater, Christiania Theatre Opening night