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Forestillingsprogram for Hålogaland Teaters produksjon The Sound of Music (2017). pdf October 12, 2017 Download

The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music (2017) was a musical theatre production by The Arctic Theatre in collaboration with Arctic Philharmonic. The Sound of Music was based on the musical by Richard Rodgers (music), Oscar Hammerstein (lyrics), Howard Lindsay (book) and Russel Crouse (book). The production was performed in The Arctic Theatre's venueScene Vest, prior to a December tour.

Ivar Tindberg directed it.

Maria Nohr played the role of Maria.

The Sound of Music received two nominations for The Hedda Award 2018. Ingebjørg Kosmo was nominated in the best supporting actress category for the role of the abbess, whereas Simon Revholt and Jim-Oddvar Hansen were nominated in the best audiovisual design category for musical direction and sound design respectively.


(Objekt ID 76669)
Object type Production
Premiere October 12, 2017
Produced by The Arctic Theatre
In collaboration with Arctic Philharmonic
Based on The Sound of Music by Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II, Howard Lindsay, Russel Crouse
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian dialect
Keywords Musical, Theatre
Running period October 12, 2017  —  December 16, 2017
Duration Approximately 2 hours, 30 minutes
Website Hålogaland Teater


Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 05.09.2017

The Arctic Theatre, halogalandteater.no, 05.09.2017, http://halogalandteater.no/produksjon/2016/sound-music

The Hedda Award, www.heddaprisen.no, 18.06.2018, https://www.heddaprisen.no/nominerte/2018

Performance dates
December 16, 2017Ole Olsensalen Show
December 15, 2017Ole Olsensalen Show
December 13, 2017Store sal, Stormen Konserthus Show
December 12, 2017Store sal, Stormen Konserthus Show
December 11, 2017Store sal, Stormen Konserthus Show
December 9, 2017Hovedscena (the main stage), Nordland Theatre Show
December 8, 2017Hovedscena (the main stage), Nordland Theatre Show
December 6, 2017Harstad Kulturhus Tour Premiere
October 12, 2017 18:00 – Scene Vest, Hålogaland Teater, The Arctic Theatre Opening night
Awards - Nominations (1)