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Forestillingsprogram for Hålogaland Teaters produksjon Jaktlaget (2016). pdf April 21, 2016 Download

Jaktlaget* (The Hunting Party)

Jaktlaget* (The Hunting Party) (2016) was a theatre production by The Arctic Theatre. Jaktlaget was based on a play by Jo Strømgren. The production was performed in the theatre's venue Scene Øst. 

Jo Strømgren directed it.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 74064)
Object type Production
Premiere April 20, 2016
Produced by The Arctic Theatre
Based on Jaktlaget* (The Hunting Party) by Jo Strømgren
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Comedy
Running period April 20, 2016  
Duration 1 hour, 20 minutes
Website Hålogaland Teater


The Arctic Theatre, halogalandteater.no, 26.06.2017., http://halogalandteater.no/produksjon/2016/jaktlaget

Performance dates
April 20, 2016Scene Øst, Hålogaland Teater, The Arctic Theatre Worldwide premiere