How do you like my landscape

How do you like my landscape (2007) by Manah Depauw and Bernard Van Eeghem is a puppetry performance about the creation of the Earth, the birth of the human, beast and the Apocalypse in a period of 8000 years.

With small puppets in a large, aquarium-like glass cage Manah Depauw manages the puppets and the head of the colleague Bernard Van Eeghem in a miniature staging of creation and the end of the world.


(Objekt ID 7345)
Object type Production
Premiere March 20, 2010
Produced by Margarita Production, DE BANK/Victoria
Audience Adults
Language English
Keywords Puppetry, Storytelling theatre, Theatre
Running period October 6, 2007  

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

How do you like my landscape (2007) by Manah Depauw and Bernard Van Eeghem follows the development of the world in four episodes, revolving around the following events:

• Genesis
• 2000 years later: The creation of the human
• 2000 years later: The Beast
• 4000 years later: The Apocalypse

Every episode lasted between five and fifteen minutes. Between the episodes there were short pauses to change the stage design.

In the Black Box Teater program How do you like my landscape (2007) by Manah Depauw and Bernard Van Eeghem was described like this:

"The audience is taken into a landscape where the seemingly innocent surroundings just camouflage the Beast we know is there, and which can awaken desires in us we prefer to keep hidden. The performance takes place inside a see-through tank and we have to witness the inevitable development from the outside."

Sources: Black Box Teater Oslo,, 13.10.2010,

Margarita Production >>>>>>>>,, 13.10.2010,

Contributors (8)
Name Role
Manah Depauw – Concept/Idea
Bernard Van Eeghem – Concept/Idea
Manah Depauw – Direction
Bernard Van Eeghem – Direction
Manah Depauw – Performer (Figurspiller)
Bernard Van Eeghem – Performer
Maya Wilsens – Photo
Bram Waelkens – Technician
Performance dates
March 21, 2010 18:00 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater (Marstrand) Show
March 21, 2010 21:00 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater (Marstrand) Other
March 20, 2010 19:00 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater (Marstrand) National premiere, Norway
March 20, 2010 22:00 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater (Marstrand) Show
Festivals (1)
Marstrand March 20, 2010
Press coverage

"It is funny and surprising. (...) By burying another man's body in an innocently looking nature landscape this Belgian duo show that they are bursting with audacity and imagination. (…) The effect is quite striking."

Benoit Le Breton (November 2007). Le corps humain naît d'un paysage enfantin, Ouest France [Rennes]