Klirr-Klirr og Dunk-Dunk* (Jangle-Jangle and Bonk-Bonk)

Klirr-Klirr og Dunk-Dunk* (Jangle-Jangle and Bonk-Bonk) (2009) by Theatre Spillebrikkene is an audiobook production for which Inger Gundersen has made the songs. It is produced for the audiobook publishing house Lydbokforlaget.


(Objekt ID 729)
Object type Production
Premiere 2009
Coproducers Theatre Spillebrikkene
Audience Children (from 3 to 6)
Language Norwegian
Keywords Audio Theatre
Running period 2009  
Website Teater Spillebrikkene

Requirements to venue

Blackout No


Mail from Theatre Spillebrikkene 03.10.2011

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (1)
Name Role
Inger Gusrud Gundersen – Text
Performance dates
2009 Opening night