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Forestillingsprogram for Nationaltheatrets produksjon Som dere vil (2017). pdf April 5, 2017 Download
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As You Like It

As You Like It (2017) was a theatre production by The National Theatre, based on the play by William Shakespeare. The production was performed at the theatre's main stage.

Sigrid Strøm Reibo directed it.

As You Like It received three nominations for The Hedda Award 2017: Sigrid Strøm Reibo was nominated in the best direction category for her work with As You Like It and with Orlando (Rogaland Theatre 2016) both. Besides, Kjersti Tveterås was nominated in the best leading actress category for the role of Rosalind, and Katrin Nottrodt was nominated in the best stage design and costume design category. Reibo won the award.


(Objekt ID 70280)
Object type Production
Premiere April 5, 2017
Produced by The National Theatre
Based on As You Like It by William Shakespeare
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian and Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords Theatre, Comedy
Running period April 5, 2017  
Duration Approximately 3 hours, included an interval
Website Nationaltheatret-forestillingsdatabasen, Nationaltheatret-heddadagene

At the website of The National Theatre, the following, among other things, is written about As You Like It:

"The comedy is filled to the brim with royal complications and romantic intrigues, undisguised randiness, song and music. In the role of the God Hymen, the ceremonial master of marriage, we find singer Bertine Zetlitz, who with her band lead us through the story onstage. We can promise celestial love stories and heavy losses of love, but even though it may seem hopeless, it will all end well. For poetry and love always win!"

The Hedda Jury gave the following reason for the direction award to Sigrid Strøm Reibo:

"Throughout the past decade or so, this year's direction winner has worked her way to a position as one of Norway's foremost younger directors. The award winner has developed a distinct character, a signature that can be referred to as musical as well as playful, sure in style and complex. Repeatedly, she has proven that she is capable of insightful instruction of her actors, providing each character with nuanced individual characteristics while maintaining a coherent, accordant whole. The two productions for which she receives this year's award can also be defined through their similarities as well as their differences. Both of them both pay tribute to and raise the difficulties of the human capacity for transformation. Both discuss the power of changing identity, gender confusion and the meaning of love in human life. Both are solved with an overview rich in detail plus the infectious joy of storytelling."


The National Theatre, forest.nationaltheatret.no, 08.05.2017, http://forest.nationaltheatret.no/Productions/Details/84be4e96-230f-4cde-8ce2-77fdb27e7de9

The National Theatre, nationaltheatret.no, 08.05.2017, http://www.nationaltheatret.no/Som+dere+vil.b7C_wZfK1y.ips

The Hedda Award, heddaprisen.no, 19.06.2017, https://www.heddaprisen.no/vinnere/2017

The Hedda Award, www.heddaprisen.no, https://www.heddaprisen.no/nominerte/2017

Performance dates
Festivals (1)
Heddadagene June 14, 2017