I Call My Brothers

I Call My Brothers (2017) was a theatre production by Hordaland Theatre, based on the play by Jonas Hassen Khemiri. It was performed on tour.

Stian Isaksen directed it.

Thomas Bipin Olsen played the role of Amir.

I Call My Brothers was nominated for The Hedda Award 2017 in the best production for youth category.


(Objekt ID 69202)
Object type Production
Premiere February 23, 2017
Produced by Det Vestnorske Teateret
Based on I Call My Brothers by Jonas Hassen Khemiri
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Drama
Running period February 23, 2017  
Website Hordaland Teater

In the nomination text, The Hedda Jury described I Call My Brothers as follows:

"After the bomb attacks in Stockholm 2010, Swedish immigrants for the first time experienced how it was to be suspected of terrorisms simply because of their looks. People were afraid. What is normal behaviour? Who is a potential culprit? In an intense period of 24 hours, I Call My Brothers enter the inside of the main character Amir's head, where the limits between criminal and victim, love and chemistry, imagination and reality, are gradually erased."


Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 01.01.2017

The Hedda Award, www.heddaprisen.no, https://www.heddaprisen.no/nominerte/2017

Contributors (15)
Name Role
Jonas Hassen Khemiri – Playwright
Stian Isaksen – Direction
Solrun Toft Iversen – Dramaturge
Bård Lie Thorbjørnsen – Stage design
Bård Lie Thorbjørnsen – Costume
Brynjar Vik – Sound
Madalena Sousa Helly-Hansen – Actor
Thomas Bipin Olsen – Actor (Amir)
Iselin Shumba – Actor
Kingsford Siayor – Actor
Britt Koldal – Tailoring
Dag Ove Sunde – Stage manager
Jon Eirik Sira – Lighting technician
Cristiano Mira Lopes – Technician
Brynjar Vik – Video technician
Performance dates
February 27, 2017Hovudscenen, Det Vestnorske Teateret / Logen Show
February 23, 2017 Opening night
Awards - Nominations (1)