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Program for Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)'s production Lungs (2015) pdf March 21, 2015 Download


Lungs (2015) was a theatre production by Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre). Lungs was based on the play by Duncan Macmillan. It opened at the facilities of Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre) in Molde.

Terje Skonseng Naudeer directed it.


(Objekt ID 68961)
Object type Production
Premiere March 21, 2015
Produced by Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre)
Based on Lungs by Duncan Macmillan
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Drama
Running period March 21, 2015  
Duration 1 hour, 25 minutes, no interval

At the webpage of Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre) the following, among other things, is written about Lungs:

"She and he are both in their late twenties. They are in love, have just moved in together, and are shopping at IKEA. They read newspapers and look at each other. They are bright, and want to do what is right. 'We are good people', they say to each other. Should they go for a future together? Have children together?

Earth is populated by more than seven billion people, each second the number increases with 2,6 persons, and soon we will be 10 billion. The needs for food and pure drinking water keep increasing, as does use of energy. There is less room. Global warming, extreme weather and natural disasters can daily be seen on TV. How could one add children to such a world?

As they discuss, the clock is ticking. The big question is: What will go under first? The relationship between the two, or the planet?"


The National Library of Norway, digitised performance program transferred to Sceneweb 31.05.2016

Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre), www.teatretvart.no, 16.09.17, http://www.teatretvart.no/bunnmeny/om-teatret/tidligere-forestillinger/pusterom

Contributors (15)
Name Role
Duncan Macmillan – Playwright
Terje Skonseng Naudeer – Adapted by
Grete Kleppen – Translation
Terje Skonseng Naudeer – Direction
Gerd Gangstad Austnes – Costume
Lisa Kristin Valde – Costume
Finn Landsperg – Lighting design
Line Heie Hallem – Actor
Lars Melsæter Rydjord – Actor
Georgina Alexander – Stage manager
Elin Nyheim – Stage manager
Arild Moen – Photo
Svein Larsen – Technical director
Julianne Grovehagen – Prompter
Halvard Fiksdal – Producer
Performance dates
March 21, 2015Hovedscenen, Plassen, Teatret Vårt , Teatret Vårt (Our Theatre) National premiere, Norway