Arctic Voices

Arctic Voices was made by The Samovar Theatre AKA Samovarteatret. The production discusses the emphasis on the Barents region and the politic strategy for the Northern area.


(Objekt ID 685)
Object type Production
Premiere January 31, 2008
Produced by The Samovar Theatre
Audience Youth, Adults (from 15)
Keywords Theatre
Running period January 31, 2008  —  2011

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

In Arctic Voices The Samovar Theatre directs its attention towards the daily life of the people in a border region such as the Barents area. Human life in the multicultural, geographically wide North reflects many millenniums history of survival, cohesion and friendship. A diversity of languages, symbols and distinctiveness has formed strong and rich cultures. Now the people of the region are all of a sudden all citizens of Barents.

Arctic Voices builds on a workshop The Samovar Theatre AKA Samovarteatret arranged in 2008. The workshop VOICES was based in the government’s political strategy for the Northern areas. The Samovar Theatre directed its attention towards the daily life of the people in the area; how the individual is affected by the political strategies and decisions.

In VOICES The Samovar Theatre researched how to make a political document into drama, how the tone of voice in the languages in the Barents region influences the other languages, plus the influence of the meetings across national and cultural borders have. Samovarteatret took use of dance, music and the different languages of the performers in conveying the story.


The Norwegian Association of Performing Arts/NAPA,, 24.10.2010,

Email from Samovarteateret, 08.12.2011

Stamsund International Theatre Festival,, 24.10.2010,

Contributors (12)
Name Role
Bente S. Andersen – Script
Bente S. Andersen – Direction
Niels Aage Windberg Jensen – Lighting design
Magnus Holm Slettebø – Actor
Kathrine Kolgrov – Actor
Turid Skoglund – Actor
Gøran Østerbøl – Actor
Patrik Häggström – Dancer
Nikolay Shchetnev – Dancer
Odd Aune – Technician
Odne H. Stunes – Producer
Gry Andreassen – Other
Performance dates
May 11, 2011  (International Black Sea Theatre Festival) visiting performance
May 8, 2011Samovar Company, Samovar Company visiting performance
May 7, 2011Samovar Company, Samovar Company visiting performance
April 3, 2011  (Modern Dance Festival) visiting performance
April 1, 2011  (European Spring Music and Theatre Festival) visiting performance
March 31, 2011  (Arkhangelsk Regional Theatre Festival) visiting performance
June 9, 2009MS Innvik, Nordic Black Theatre Show
June 6, 2009Vaglebruket, Teater NOR (Stamsund Teaterfestival) Show
January 31, 2008Scene 2, Samovarteatret, The Samovar Theatre Worldwide premiere