Oppdagelsesferden* (The Exploration Expedition)

Oppdagelsesferden* (The Exploration Expedition) by Anagadirri Productions ANS was a production based on two gypsy fairytales.

Anagadirri Productions ANS is a liable general partnership/ANS established in Bergen with the aim to stage productions, primarily of interdisciplinary character, in which music, theatre and other visual arts are expressed in interaction.

Source: Birthe-Lisbeth Ludvigsen: The University of Bergen paper Frie teatergrupper og prosjektteater i Bergen 1970-2006 - en kontekstualisert oversikt og beskrivelse (literally: Independent Theatre Companies and Project Theatres in Bergen 1970-2006 – a contextualized overview and description), UiB 2007

*Not yet translated into English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 6772)
Object type Production
Produced by Anagadirri Productions ANS
Running period January 1, 2004  

Requirements to venue

Blackout No
Contributors (2)
Name Role
Hedvig Garshol – Actor
Lene Sollesnes Holum – Actor