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Season program from the Trøndelag Teater the spring and autumn of 2016 pdf January 2016 Download

The Notebook

The Notebook (2016) is a theatre production by Trøndelag Theatre, based on the novel by Ágota Kristóf. It is performed at the theatre's main stage.

Maren Bjørseth directs it.

Christian Ruud Kallum and Jon Lockert Rohde play the roles of the twins.

Hildegunn Eggen plays the role of their grandmother.


(Objekt ID 65447)
Object type Production
Premiere October 28, 2016
Produced by Trøndelag Theatre
Based on The Notebook by Ágota Kristóf
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Drama
Running period October 28, 2016  
Website Trøndelag Teater

At the website of Trøndelag Theatre the following, among other things, is written about The Notebook:

"A young woman leaves two twin brothers with her mother in the country. There is a war, and the town is no longer a place for small children. They are put to hard work by their grandmother, who hates her daughter and calls her grandchildren sons of a bitch. Nor are they protected from the cruelties of war, and they must find ways to handle their new lives with starvation, pain, cold and abuse. As a survival strategy, the twins develop a moral standard of their own.

In this story, most time markers are erased, and from the perspective of the children it is suddenly unimportant which war or which political conflicts lie at the base. With the candidness of children brutal events are described without feeling, almost an ease, in which there is a clear distance between form and content."


Trøndelag Theatre, trondelag-teater.no, 31.08.2016, http://www.trondelag-teater.no/forestillinger/tvillingenes-dagbok/

Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 31.08.2016

Contributors (20)
Name Role
Ágota Kristóf – Author
De Onderneming – Dramatised by
Eve-Marie Lund – Translation
Maren Bjørseth – Direction
Torgny Knutson Amdam – Music
Elisabeth Egseth Hansen – Dramaturge
Katrin Bombe – Stage design
Katrin Bombe – Costume design
Siril Gaare – Sound design
Eivind Myren – Lighting design
Hildegunn Eggen – Actor (Bestemor)
Mari Hauge Einbu – Actor (Mor / Hareskår / Tjenestejenta)
Christian Ruud Kallum – Actor (Tvilling)
Jon Lockert Rohde – Actor (Tvilling)
Trond-Ove Skrødal – Actor (Far, Offiseren / Pastoren / Bokhandleren / Desertøren / Postbudet / Skomakeren / Politimannen / Legen / Død soldat)
Bjørg Kristin Rønning – Mask design
Elisabeth A. K. Østergren – Props
Randi Andersen Gafseth – Stage manager
Martin Didrichsen – Technical Crew
Silje Aurora Løkken – Prompter
Performance dates
October 28, 2016Hovedscenen, Trøndelag Teater, Trøndelag Theatre Opening night