Icarus falling/learning to fly

Icarus falling/learing to fly (2010) is a production by Isenkramteateret.

Icarus falling/Learning to fly was the first production Isenkramteateret made for youth and adults. The audience follows three characters who all relate to the myth of Icarus (in Norwegian: Ikaros), in which Icarus flew too close to the sun, making his wings of wax and feathers melt – and Icarus fell into his death.


(Objekt ID 65)
Object type Production
Original title Ikaros faller/learning to fly
Premiere March 3, 2010
Produced by Theatre Isenkram
Coproducers Black Box Teater
Audience Youth, Adults (from 15)
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Improvisational theatre, Tragicomedy/Seriocomedy
Running period March 3, 2010  —  March 7, 2010
Website Home

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

In Icarus falling/learning to fly (2010) by Isenkramteateret one of the characters, Wilhelm Andersen, is standing on top of a high-rise, ready to jump. The other, Anette, is travelling in her armchair, lifted by balloons, up through the clouds to meet her dreams. The last, the coach Knut Wülf, thinks he can show you the way to a breezier and better life in an hour.

In the internet program by Black Box Teater one can read the following:

"A somewhat backwards reading of the myth of Icarus has led Isenkramteateret to a passive-aggressive rebellion against the modern coaching culture in which everyone shall be improved and changed. All of our lives can be airbrushed and honed and the dream about what will be perfect is what is driving us.

The dream about flying has followed people as a nagging shadow ever since we caught eye of the first bird. Can we reach higher if we only have the right attitude? And if we can, is there a point?

In a strange and comic collage Isenkramteateret shows bits and fragments of three stories. Three stories become poetical and funny images, moments and situations."

Icarus falling/learning to fly (2010) by Isenkramteateret was supported by Arts Council Norway, The Fund for Performing Artists and SPENN.no.


Black Box Teater Oslo, http://www.blackbox.no/, 11.10.2010, http://www.blackbox.no/content/titlePresentation.php?tid=2034&displayNav=false

Contributors (15)
Name Role
Nils Petter Mørland – Idea
Mats Eldøen – Direction
Kjell Moberg – Direction
Marte Mørland – Direction
Nils Petter Mørland – Direction
Gaute Tønder – Composition
Monica Valsø Nestvold – Stage design
Monica Valsø Nestvold – Costume
Gaute Tønder – Sound design
Ingeborg Staxrud Olerud – Lighting design
Monica Valsø Nestvold – Illustrations
Mats Eldøen – Actor
Marte Mørland – Actor
Nils Petter Mørland – Actor
Nils Petter Mørland – Producer
Performance dates
March 7, 2010 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
March 6, 2010 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
March 5, 2010 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
March 4, 2010 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
March 3, 2010 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Worldwide premiere
Press coverage

Anna Helene Valberg, 08.03.2010, Klassekampen [Norway]:
"Large parts of the performance are improvised by the three actors, who also bring a lot of the technical equipment, not that it is the least bit disturbing. Every one of them is dragging along a recorder, from which music and sound are managed. (...) In presenting the message of the play a paradox rises: The idea about Icarus falling because of his arrogance vs. the idea that we all rule our destinies and that we can get as far as we want in life. Isenkramteateret’s conclusion is unclear."