black beauty

black beauty by Annette Stav Johanssen was a performance and an installation, an attempt at creating the perfect balance between horse and rider, time and room, man and woman, potential and option.


(Objekt ID 6499)
Object type Production
Premiere 2005
Produced by Anette Stav Johanssen
Coproducers Black Box Teater
Audience Adults
Keywords Performance, Installation, Multimedia, Multidisciplinary, Work-in-progress
Running period 2005  

Annette Stav Johanssen characterised her black beauty as follows: "A sculpture-like image with sudden acts of cabaret opera and a ballet of hooves". 

With a generous helping of humour Johanssen seeks to construct odd, but interesting and seducing images. Rhythmically she switches between the visually distant and the performative immediate, and she postulates simply that everything is ambivalent.

Text excerpts from the program:

"Black Beauty, variation 1 & 2:
Black Beauty. Finally, this time, not only as a horse, but as a horse and rider in one; Black Beauty, here she comes. But does she come alone as one or is there someone else who believes they are the one beyond and runs the show just by their own? Who is riding who? You can expect; a ballet of hooves and an opera from the lost horses, a psychedelic paranoid cinematic sculptural musical experience. Welcome to Black Beauty; the total blackout and the beautiful continuation of the beginning."

Source: The performance program, BIT Teatergarasjen, Meteor 2005.

21.09.2010: -archive

Contributors (6)
Name Role
Olav Benestvedt – Concept/Idea
Annette Stav Johanssen – Concept/Idea
Synnøve G. Wetten – Concept/Idea
Olav Benestvedt – Performer
Annette Stav Johanssen – Performer
Synnøve G. Wetten – Performer
Performance dates
October 22, 2005 21:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
2005 Opening night
Festivals (1)
METEOR October 22, 2005