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Sesongprogram BIT Teatergarasjen høst 2005 pdf 2005 Download

The bagshow

The bagshow by Mia Habib, Baran Kurd and Petter Alexander Goldstine is a collection of the participators’ personal experiences packed into ten half hour long performances consisting of text, rhythm and movement. In The bagshow these follow each other through a full afternoon and evening only interrupted by one longer intermission.


(Objekt ID 6494)
Object type Production
Premiere September 23, 2005
Produced by Petter Alexander Goldstine,
Coproducers Black Box Teater
Audience Adults
Keywords Performance, Dance, Music, Multidisciplinary
Running period September 23, 2005  

The bagshow by Mia Habib, Baran Kurd and Petter Alexander Goldstine has a dramaturgic structure similar to the improvisation or jam sessions of jazz. There exists a repertoire of stories, songs, dance and acting while there is room for freedom and improvisation within every sequence. Each and every one - a visual artist, a choreographer and a composer – pulls out different symbols from his or her personal bag, symbols creating the stories, dance and music in the performers' lives.

The bagshow consists of five different variations or sequences. The ten spectators present at the show at the same time have to decide which five of the ten sequences they want to see – by agreeing or voting.

Petter Alexander Goldstine is educated as a visual artist/photographer, Mia Habib is a choreographer and Baran Kurt is a musician.

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, Meteor 2005. 24.09.2010: www.bit-teatergarasjen.no -arkiv

Contributors (7)
Name Role
Petter Alexander Goldstine – Concept/Idea
Baran Kurd – Composer (Musiker)
Mia Habib – Co-creator
Baran Kurd – Co-creator
Petter Alexander Goldstine – Performer
Mia Habib – Performer
Baran Kurd – Performer
Performance dates
October 22, 2005Visningsrommet USF (METEOR) Show
September 24, 2005Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
September 23, 2005Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
METEOR October 22, 2005