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Sesongprogram BIT Teatergarasjen høst 2005 pdf 2005 Download


don't strip your clothes, strip your communicational cloud around!

Radio-Sauna - don't strip your clothes, strip your communicational cloud around! by Jan Brüggemeier and Daniel Guiscard (Germany/Finland). The sauna is a communal place, where informal gatherings take place and information of local priority is exchanged. On the other side the radio represents information not directed towards anyone in particular. What happens if one combines the two?


(Objekt ID 6491)
Object type Production
Keywords Other, Installation

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

During the festival Meteor 2005 BIT Teatergarasjen presented a homemade mobile radio sauna allowing people to broadcast small-talk live.

Today the world consists of almost absurd technologic insomnia and the feeling that communication, network and relations are open all around. Still, this communication usually starts only after some kind of acceptance ritual, by being allowed through a firewall, a spam filter or by logging into a chamber in which the relations take place in confidence. Radio-Sauna - don't strip your clothes, strip your communicational cloud around! by Jan Brüggemeier and Daniel Guiscard build on this global network potential, put in a local context. To be accepted one only needs to open the door and enter.

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, Meteor 2005. 24.09.2010: www.bit-teatergarasjen.no -arkiv

Contributors (4)
Name Role
Jan Brüggemeier – Concept/Idea
Daniel Guiscard – Concept/Idea
Jan Brüggemeier – Main producer
Daniel Guiscard – Main producer
Performance dates
October 22, 2005Plassen utenfor USF, USF Verftet Other
October 21, 2005Plassen utenfor USF, USF Verftet Other
Festivals (1)
METEOR October 21, 2005