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Forestillingsprogram for Rogaland Teaters produksjon Nerdene (2016). pdf September 3, 2016 Download

Nerdene* (The nerds)

Nerdene* (The Nerds) (2016) is a theatre production by Rogaland Theatre, based on a theatre text by Christian Eriksen. The production is performed at the theatre's main stage.

Christian Eriksen directs it.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 64853)
Object type Production
Premiere September 3, 2016
Produced by Rogaland Theatre
Based on Nerdene by Christian Eriksen
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Comedy
Running period September 3, 2016  —  October 15, 2016
Website Rogaland Teater

At the website of Rogaland Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Nerdene* (The Nerds):

"In the permafrost, 1300 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle, the first and largest security storage for humour is to be established. A humour bank in case of disaster. To it, boxes of humour material from all over the world are to be sent, for the sake of safe and secure long-term storage. The purpose of 'The World Bank for humour' is to preserve the great variation and diversity of all humour genres.

If 'the big bang' happens, the world should yet again be able to have fun.

This ground-breaking, global collection work starts in September 2016. 'The World Bank for humour, Rogaland division' is led by a group of researchers who will enter the humour analysis full-on. They will test and probe the expression forms of humour, and go in depth in selected examples, that may be vital for the generations to come."


Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 03.08.2016

Rogaland Theatre, www.rogaland-teater.no, 15.08.2016, http://www.rogaland-teater.no/program/nerdene

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (18)
Name Role
Christian Eriksen – Playwright
Christian Eriksen – Direction
Christian Eriksen – Music
Vidar Schanche – Music
Terese Arildsdatter Riis – Stage design
Terese Arildsdatter Riis – Costume design
Christian Eriksen – Sound design
Vidar Schanche – Sound design
Haakon Espeland – Lighting design
Christian Eriksen – Actor (Christian)
Espen Hana – Actor (Espen )
Kamilla Grønli Hartvig – Actor (Kamilla)
Marianne Holter – Actor (Marianne)
Roar Kjølv Jenssen – Actor (Roar)
Even Stormoen – Actor (Even)
Nina Ellen Ødegård – Actor (Nina Ellen)
Vidar Schanche – Musician (Vidar)
Jill Tonje Holter – Mask design
Performance dates
September 3, 2016 18:00 – Hovedscenen, Rogaland Teater, Rogaland Theatre Worldwide premiere