hold me

The production hold me by voksnebarn (Norway/Sweden):

A young Swedish actor ensemble and the young Norwegian director Goro Tronsmo examines in voksnebarn the communicative potential of realism – in combination with a site-specific strategy in which the production adapts and challenges the built-in narrative voice of the room, making the experience of a reflection an opportunity for the audience. Hence the production establishes a particular relationship between fiction and reality, performers and audience.


(Objekt ID 6453)
Object type Production
Premiere February 2, 2005
Produced by
Audience Youth (from 13)
Language Swedish
Keywords Theatre, Site spesific performance, Post-dramatic theatre, Performance for youth
Running period February 2, 2005  

Requirements to venue

Blackout Yes

The production hold me by voksnebarn has been presented in a series of versions adjusted to different rooms. It has been performed in different contexts, such as gym halls, bunkers, a renovated swimming pool, two school foyers, an art atelier, a small and intimate stage and a black box.

The company voksnebarn has a dogma like acting style, emphasising a toned-down psychological realism, which one could study in the productions Mad and Erase my skin among others.

hold me by voksnebarn was supported by the county of Vest-Agder and The Cultural Rucksack.

Sources: BIT Teatergarasjen, Meteor 2005. 21.09.2010: www.bit-teatergarasjen.no -arkiv

Spring program 2007, Avant Garden.

Contributors (9)
Name Role
Goro Tronsmo – Text
Goro Tronsmo – Concept/Idea
Goro Tronsmo – Direction
Øystein Hvamen Rasmussen – Music
Mira Eklund – Actor
Linda Nilsson – Actor
Ane Skumsvoll – Actor
Mathias Wiik – Actor
Goro Tronsmo – Photo
Performance dates
February 6, 2007Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
October 21, 2005 21:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen (METEOR) Show
February 6, 2005 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
February 5, 2005Hersleb skole Show
February 3, 2005 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Show
February 2, 2005 20:30 – Lille scene (Marstrandgata), Black box teater Worldwide premiere
Festivals (1)
METEOR October 21, 2005