
In Yes? by Freelanceteateret a woman sits on a faraway bench with a loaded gun in her lap. Her whole life, until recently successful, has gone to pieces and she sees no other way out than killing herself. When she is about to pull the trigger she is stopped by another woman, whose life will turn out to be a lot more difficult than the first one's.


(Objekt ID 6398)
Object type Production
Premiere 2004
Produced by Freelanceteateret
Audience Youth
Language Norwegian
Keywords Tragicomedy/Seriocomedy
Running period 2004  

In Yes? by Freelanceteateret we encounter two women. One is depressed, the other happy, despite hardship and distress. The two women enter a dialogue and through a series of absurd sequences and exchanges of experiences, the situation is slowly turned; the one who wanted to offer her support becomes the one in need of support. Eventually they both sit on the bench. Now the question is: Which one will pull the trigger?

ref/source: Birthe-Lisbeth Ludvigsen: Frie teatergrupper og prosjektteater i Bergen 1970-2006 - en kontekstualisert oversikt og beskrivelse, UiB 2007

Contributors (7)
Name Role
Birthe-Lisbeth Ludvigsen – Text
Birthe-Lisbeth Ludvigsen – Direction
Geir Amundsen – Lighting design
Hanne Raknes – Actor (Silje)
Linda Susanne Steinhoff – Actor (Caroline)
Geir Amundsen – Sound technician
Birthe-Lisbeth Ludvigsen – Lighting technician
Performance dates
2004 Opening night
Press coverage

" ingenious piece of black comedy"

"... a well-written script and great actors' performances makes the play a fun experience with spry comments and appropriate light and sound supplies."

Source: Nordhordaland, 21. april 2004