The Lighthouse


(Objekt ID 63820)
Object type Production
Premiere September 2, 1980
Produced by Edinburgh International Festival
In collaboration with Bergen International Festival
Based on The Lighthouse by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies
Audience Adults
Language English
Keywords Opera
Running period September 2, 1980  
Contributors (8)
Name Role
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies – Libretto
David Williams – Direction
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies – Composer
Finlay James – Stage design
Mike Hughes – Light
David Willson Johnson – Singer (Blazes / Sandy / Officer 3)
Christopher Keyte (from May 28, 1981) – Singer (The Cry Of The Beast / Officer 2)
Neil Mackie – Singer (Officer 1)
Performance dates
May 28, 1981Store Scene, The National Stage (Bergen International Festival) National premiere, Norway
September 2, 1980  (Edinburgh International Festival) Worldwide premiere
Festivals (2)