The Defeat

The Defeat (1937) was a theatre production by The National Stage, based on the play by Nordahl Grieg.

Hans Jacob Nilsen directed it.

As many as 70 persons, extras included, performed onstage in the production.


(Objekt ID 63138)
Object type Production
Premiere April 20, 1937
Produced by The National Stage
Based on The Defeat by Nordahl Grieg
Audience Adults
Number of events 9
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Political Theatre, Drama
Running period April 20, 1937  


The National Stage's repertoire database, donated by The National Stage/TheTheatre Archive at the University of Bergen, 24.06.2016

Knut Nygaard and Eiliv Eide, Den Nationale Scene 1931-1976 (literally: The National Stage 1931-1976), Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 1977

The University of Bergen,, 07.03.2018,

Performance dates
April 20, 1937Store Scene, The National Stage Opening night