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Sesongprogram BIT Teatergarasjen høst 2005 pdf 2005 Download

An Evening With Danny Hoch

Hip Hop Theatre

Hip Hop Theatre: An Evening With Danny Hoch by Danny Hoch (USA) is, as the title indicates, an evening with Danny Hoch. The hip hop guru Danny Hoch is described as a storyteller and a verbal artist of the same calibre as a machine gun. He has a socially and politically committed artist and he uses his voice as a weapon. Within hip hop theatre he is a pioneer.


(Objekt ID 6306)
Object type Production
Premiere August 26, 2005
Language English
Keywords Hip hop, Storytelling theatre, Theatre

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

Hip Hop Theatre: An Evening With Danny Hoch by Danny Hoch presents Danny Hoch, who has been active since the early 1990es and has won several awards, including two OBIEs (Off-Broadway Theatre Awards). He has written for and acted in several movies, including Whiteboys, Black Hawk Down and Thin Red Line.

The centre of Danny Hoch’s work is in his characters. His performance is void of DJs, dance and graffiti. His characters are three-dimensional, real and direct.

After the performances in BIT Teatergarasjen the event DEFINITION OF ILLSoundsystem was arranged, with DJ NuTeQ, DJ M.A.X. & Mats Dawg. The hip hop club DEFINITION OF ILL fought for the real, hard-hitting hip hop, while conveying fresh reggae & ragga sound system style. Some b-boy funk/old school breaks also showed up.

Jails, Hospitals & Hip Hop
The cinema of USF and BIT Teatergarasjen did show the film version of Danny Hoch’s hip hop theatre production Jails, Hospitals & Hip-Hop, in addition to the performances in Bergen. The film is a mix of documentary and fiction, through which we follow Hoch in his one man show, broken up by short, slightly coherent adaptions. Danny Hoch is a true chameleon, and he has a seemingly endless number of masks to wear. He uses this to give out timely and often moving comments to the country in which there are built more jails than schools these days. Jails, Hospitals & Hip-Hop is hip hop theatre at an advanced level. A real and deep-felt description of the damages following capitalism.

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen autumn program 2005. 14.09.2010 www.bit-teatergarasjen.no -arkiv

Contributors (1)
Name Role
Danny Hoch – Performer
Performance dates
August 27, 2005BIT Teatergarasjen Show
August 26, 2005BIT Teatergarasjen National premiere, Norway
Press coverage

"Danny is a gifted performer who uses his mastery of rap rhythms to invest his characters with remarkable energy and definition."

New York Times