Weird Instincts

"Weird Instincts" by and with Leo Bassi is a direct and disturbing scenic exploration of the relationship between performer and onlooker. In the little format it is about the correlation between the actor as a manipulator and his loyal audience. In the large format it is about the seducer of people and the mass: How far are we willing to go when the rock heroes are onstage – or when the charismatic politician enters the podium?


(Objekt ID 6176)
Object type Production
Audience Adults
Language English
Keywords Storytelling theatre, Physical theatre, Clownery, Theatre
Website Leo Bassi

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

"Weird Instincts" is a very entertaining and deeply distressing performance in which Bassi tests the limits, act with undisguised madness – and puts madness into system.

The performance has harvested many international awards: Stern das Jahr, for Comedy AZ Zeitung Munchen, Germany 1996. (Star of the Year in the category of comedy, award delivered by the newspaper AZ Zeitung in Munich). Premier Prix, Festival d'Acteurs de Cannes, France 1997. (First price, Actor’s Festival in Cannes.) Premio de la Critica, de Barcelona, Spain 1998. (Critic’s Prize.) Mejor Espectaculo y Mejor Actor, Festival de Tondela, Portugal, 2001. (Best performance and best actor, Tondela Festival).

Source: Porsgrunn International Theatre Festival,, 05.09.2010,

Contributors (1)
Name Role
Leo Bassi – Performer
Performance dates
June 18, 2002 Show