Before the Rehearsal

Before the Rehearsal is a intersection between work demonstration and performance in which the actors switch between scenic parts and personal comments. In a distinct Odin manner several options for staging a classical dialogue text are presented.

Source: Porsgrunn Internasjonale Teaterfestival,, 01.09.2010,


(Objekt ID 6060)
Object type Production
Produced by
Audience Adults
Keywords Physical theatre, Performance, Theatre
Website Odin Teatret. Nordisk teaterlaboratorium

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In Before the Rehearsal by Odin Teatret we meet two of Odin Teatret’s senior actors, Norwegian Torgeir Wethal and Italian Roberta Carreri. Before the Rehearsal is based on an excerpt from A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen. Through a loose dialogue Wethal and Carreri examine the opportunities in the text. They launch each their physical score and let this meet one of Ibsen’s most central texts.

Contributors (2)
Name Role
Roberta Carreri – Actor
Torgeir Wethal – Actor
Performance dates
June 18, 2002Friteatret, Grenland Friteater Show