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Program for Oslo Internasjonale Teaters produksjon "The Fever" (2010) pdf 2010 Download

The Fever

The Fever by Oslo International Theatre is a tremendous, politically hard-hitting monologue about a man who discovers that everything he used to believe in and the world he has lived in is built on a fundamentally unfair system: The Western World’s cynical abuse of the poor countries in the world.


(Objekt ID 59)
Object type Production
Premiere April 22, 2010
Produced by Oslo International Theatre
Based on The Fever by Wallace Shawn
Audience Adults
Language English
Keywords Theatre, Reading
Running period April 22, 2010  
Website Danse- og teatersentrum, Imploding Fictions

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

The Fever produced by Oslo International Theatre was written by American Wallace Shawn.

Shawn is not just an actor with cult status from movie and TV performances in for instance Southland Tales, Sex and the City, Toy Story, Manhattan and Vanya on 42nd Street. He is also one of the most controversial social criticism-playwrights in modern American theatre.

While acknowledged Royal Court Theatre recently dedicated a full season to the works of Wallace Shawn (The Wallace Shawn Season), The Fever was the first of his plays to be staged in Oslo.


Performing Arts Hub Norway, 29.12.2010, http://www.danseogteatersentrum.no/sck/members.shtml?lang=nor&sam=&cat=&gen=&cou=&cri=Imploding%20Fictions&aid=2563&prid=1&act=prod

Contributors (7)
Name Role
Wallace Shawn – Playwright
Torgny G. Aanderaa – Translation
Øystein Ulsberg Brager – Artistic director
Ingrid Askvik – Direction
Philip Thorne – Dramaturge
Roger Torsteinsen – Technician
Michael Hallbäck Sciarrone – Producer
Performance dates
April 22, 2010 19:00 – Vardeteatret Opening night