Public toilet

Public toilet (1997) was a production by Goksøyr & Martens.

A performance without words.

Young people sitting and standing in and outside toilet cubicles. Some alone, others in groups. Everyone looking at the audience, whilst holding their breath. Goksøyr & Martens played the toilet attendants who sat silently, by a small table, chain smoking. For the performance duration, water was running from one of the taps. The sound of the running water was combined with muzak.
The performance lasted two hours, and the audience could move about freely.


(Objekt ID 54562)
Object type Production
Premiere October 25, 1997
Produced by
Audience Adults
Keywords Performance
Running period October 25, 1997  
Contributors (4)
Name Role
Toril Goksøyr – Concept/Idea
Camilla Martens – Concept/Idea
Toril Goksøyr – Performer
Camilla Martens – Performer
Other participants

15 young men and women.

Performance dates
October 25, 1997Galleri 21 Worldwide premiere