The Christmas Party

The Christmas Party (1867) was a theatre production by Christiania Theatre, based on the one-act comedy by Ludvig Holberg. The 1867 production was the first production of The Christmas Party targeted towards children.


(Objekt ID 52593)
Object type Production
Premiere January 5, 1867
Produced by Christiania Theatre
Based on The Christmas Party by Ludvig Holberg
Audience Children, Families
Number of events 14
Language Norwegian
Keywords Performance for children, Theatre, One-act Play, Christmas Production, Comedy, Performance for the Family
Running period 1867  —  1885


Anker, Øivind: Christiania Theaters repertoire 1827-99 (literally: Christiania Theatre's repertoire 1927-99).

Helgesen, Anne: Norsk barneteaters habitus, i: Scenekunsten og de unge (literally: Norwegian theatre for children's habitus), Vidarforlaget/The National Touring Network for the Performing Arts, Oslo, 2014.

Contributors (8)
Name Role
Ludvig Holberg – Playwright
Johannes Brun – Direction
Christian Abelsted – Actor (Leander)
Johannes Brun – Actor (Skolemesteren)
Ole Bucher – Actor (Arv)
Amalie Døvle – Actor (Leonora)
Sofie Parelius – Actor (Magdelone)
Marie Prom – Actor (Pernille)
Performance dates
1885Christiania Theater, Christiania Theatre New opening
January 5, 1867Christiania Theater, Christiania Theatre Opening night