
Krétakör from Hungary presents the piece Ice, based on Vladimir Sorokin’s novel by the same name. Sorokin is one of the most controversial and exciting figures of the contemporary Russian literary scene. Sorokin’s text is a brutal, anti-humanistic vision of the world, and Krétakör’s stage adaption is a theatrical experience that leaves lasting marks.

Kilde: BIT Teatergarasjen, spring 2008. 10.08.2010: -arkiv


(Objekt ID 5243)
Object type Production
Premiere June 2, 2008
Produced by Krétakör
Based on Ice by Vladimir Sorokin
Audience Adults
Language Hungarian
Interpreted to Norwegian and English
Keywords Theatre, Post-dramatic theatre

Requirements to venue

Blackout No
Contributors (16)
Name Role
Kornél Mundruczó – Direction
Márton Ágh – Stage design
Márton Ágh – Costume
Gergely Bánki – Actor
Eszter Csákányi – Actor
Rudolf Frecska – Actor
József Gyabronka – Actor
Frigyes Hollósi – Actor
László Katona – Actor
Attila László – Actor
Zoltán Mucsi – Actor
Piroska Mészáros – Actor
Bori Péterfy – Actor
Roland Rába – Actor
Péter Scherer – Actor
Orsolya Tóth – Actor
Performance dates
June 3, 2008BIT Teatergarasjen Show
June 2, 2008BIT Teatergarasjen National premiere, Norway