Oh Love, Do You Remember?

In the show "Oh Love, Do You Remember?" Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo uses the back stages of the town as its stage. They bring the audience along on a tour through the town’s backyards, entrances and alleys.


(Objekt ID 5044)
Object type Production
Produced by Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo
Audience Families
Keywords Dance theatre, Street theatre, Storytelling theatre, Physical theatre, Theatre
Website Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo leads the attention to all the urban spaces we are not aware of in our daily use of the town. In every new room the group makes a stop to play out small sequences, to tell and dance stories from now and before, accompanied by traditional folk music from different corners of the world.

Source: Porsgrunn International Theatre Festival,www.pit.no, 02.08.2010, http://2006.pit.no/vis_tgruppe.asp?gID=

Performance dates
June 22, 2006Festivalgata i Porsgrunn Show