Be drunk, be very, very drunk

Be drunk, be very, very drunk by Anders Härm (Estland). "At the back cover of the book by Slavoj Žižek called Looking Awry there is a quote from one review stating that Žižek is doing “philosophy as stand-up comedy”. Well this statement attracted me because with the lecture “Be drunk, be very, very drunk” I tried to do the exact opposite, to do stand-up comedy as philosophy. Nevertheless the starting point for this lecture was an offer to participate at the dead-serious conference for dead-serious art historians, philosophers, sociologists etc. It was the context that is always filled with sterile concepts and boring talks failing to have any connections with the real world that it so desperately tries to achieve." 

Anders Härm 2006

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, performance program 2006.



(Objekt ID 4817)
Object type Production
Keywords Lecture, Performance

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

"The rhetoric is just the cover-up of the fundamental alienation of academics within the safe world of Academy and a way to do some conference-tourism. The lecture was meant to be an intervention to this academic ivory tower trying to shake it a bit. The idea behind the lecture was the personal dissatisfaction with the ways Academy as a construct is killing any creativity while being based on the discourse-obeying repetition of overused concepts. The lecture is an anecdotic-academic cocktail of ideas, concepts and notions being put together on the basis of pure association. It’s illustrated with the extremely funny and idiotic drinking-songs by Baktruppen, a performance group from Norway to whom I owe the eternal gratitude for its success. Quite surprisingly the lecture became notorious and entered to the circulation of theatre festivals. Bergen is the last stop on its way into oblivion."

Anders Härm 2006

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, performance program 2006.


Contributors (1)
Name Role
Anders Härm – Performer
Performance dates
April 22, 2006BIT Teatergarasjen Show