Kong Odipus


(Objekt ID 47956)
Object type Production
Premiere September 11, 1907
Produced by The National Theatre
Based on Kong Oidipus by Sofokles
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Tragedy
Running period September 11, 1907  
Contributors (17)
Name Role
Sofokles – Playwright
Thor Lange – Adaption
Bjørn Bjørnson – Direction
Augusta Johannesén – Choreography
Per Winge – Music
Jens Wang – Stage design
Andreas Bloch – Costume design
Halfdan Christensen – Actor (En av Ødipus' tjenere)
Gyda Christensen – Actor (Antigone)
Egil Eide – Actor (Kong Ødipus, Theben)
Sigurd Eldegard – Actor (En thebansk olding)
Nicolai Halvorsen – Actor (Kreon, Jokastes bror)
Agnethe Schibsted Hansson – Actor (Jokaste, Ødipus' hustru)
Thorleif Sohlberg – Actor (Presten for Zeus)
Gustav Thomassen – Actor (En hyrde)
Olav Voss – Actor (Et bud fra Konrinth)
Stub Wiberg – Actor (Teiresias, sandsiger)
Performance dates
September 11, 1907Hovedscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre Opening night