Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet (1852) was a theatre production by Christiania Theatre, based on the play by William Shakespeare.

Romeo and Juliet was performed in a new translation in 1880.

For a while, Johanne Juell (later Johanne Reimers) acted in the role of Juliet.


(Objekt ID 47870)
Object type Production
Premiere Navember 10, 1852
Produced by Christiania Theatre
Based on Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Audience Adults
Number of events 24
Language Norwegian and Danish
Keywords Theatre, Tragedy
Running period Navember 11, 1852  —  Navember 26, 1886


Øyvind Anker: Christiania Theatre's repertoire 1827-99.

Store Norske Leksikon,, 27.03.2015,

Contributors (5)
Name Role
William Shakespeare – Playwright
Peter Thun Foersom – Translation (1852)
Edvard Lembcke – Translation (1880)
Laura Gundersen – Actor (Julie)
Johanne Juell – Actor (Julie)
Performance dates
April 3, 1880Christiania Theater, Christiania Theatre New opening
Navember 10, 1852Christiania Theater, Christiania Theatre Opening night