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Forestillingsprogram for Nordland Teaters produksjon LA Strada dell'Amore (1993). pdf February 27, 1993 Download

La Strada dell'Amore

La Strada dell'Amore (1993) was a production by Nordland TheatreLa Strada dell'Amore was based on Staffan Göthes play by the same title. The play is about a travelling troupe of jesters touring Northern Sweden in the 1950es.

The instructor was Trond Lie.


(Objekt ID 47676)
Object type Production
Premiere February 27, 1993
Produced by Nordland Theatre
Based on La Strada dell'Amore by Staffan Göthe
Audience Adults
Audience size 413
Number of events 11
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Comedy
Running period February 27, 1993  —  1993


Norske teatres forening (Association of Norwegian Theatres): På norske scener, sesongen 1992/93 (literally: At Norwegian stages, the season of 1992/1993). Norske teatres forening (Association of Norwegian Theatres), Oslo 1993

The National Library of Norway, digitised poster transferred to Sceneweb 06.10.2015

Annual report 1993, Nordland Theatre, donated by Nordland Theatre, 10.11.2015

Performance dates
February 27, 1993Sal 1, Kinoteateret, Nordland Theatre Opening night