Il Corso

"Il Corso" by Theater PanOptikum is an outdoors performance of large format. 25 actors, acrobats and musicians release fireworks of images and actions among, around and over the audience. The whole place is transformed into a stage in which the audience has to move around to follow the actions. Thus the audience becomes part of the action.


(Objekt ID 4684)
Object type Production
Produced by
Keywords Dance theatre, Physical theatre, Contemporary circus, Circus, Theatre
Website Theater PanOptikum

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

"Il Corso" is based on texts by the Nobel winner Pablo Neruda. His texts provide a theatrical and poetical quality one rarely finds in this kind of performance, made for large open spaces and a large audience. At the same time, the performance offers breakneck acrobatics, amazing images and advanced use of pyrotechnics leaving us with our chins to our chests after moving from the poetic beginning to a hectic, acrobatic and fire bursting finale.

Source: Porsgrunn International Theatre Festival -

Performance dates
June 15, 2007 Show