Teatro Delusio

The performance Teatro Delusio by Familie Flöz is a burlesque and funny, but also melancholy performance about the life of the stagehands, working in the shadow of the sets. In this critically acclaimed performance Familie Flöz proves to master the art of saying it all without pronouncing a single word.


(Objekt ID 4534)
Object type Production
Produced by Familie Flöz
Audience Adults
Keywords Burlesque, Physical theatre, Circus, Theatre
Website Familie Flöz

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

One night the magic of the stage seeps back through the backdrop, giving life to dreams and fantasies. A ghost is haunting, love exists and is lost, and even death is applauded. Familie Flöz is an ensemble based in Berlin, merging playacting and dance, acrobatics, clownery and mime, masks and music to a refreshing innovation of the mime- and mask theatre. The three performers in the play - Hajo Schüler, Paco Gonzalez and Björn Leese – create a total of 29 roles, using masks and an impressive array of body language.

Source: Porsgrunn International Theatre Festival, www.pit.no, 29.07.2010, http://2009.pit.no/show_details.asp?ID=677