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Sesongprogram for Nationaltheatret høst 2015. pdf August 2015 Download

Kjente jeg deg?* (Did I know you?)

Kjente jeg deg?* (Did I know you?) (2014) is a theatre production, based on texts by Rolf Jacobsen. The production is a documentary drama about the life of Jacobsen.

Liv Borg Thorsen directs it.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 43933)
Object type Production
Premiere Navember 6, 2014
Produced by
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Drama
Running period Navember 6, 2014  
Website Nationaltheatret

At the webpage of The National Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Kjente jeg deg* (Did I know you?):

"Inspired by this fabulous universe after experiencing the celebration of Rolf Jacobsen in Hamar in 2013, actress Wenche Medbøe returned home to Oslo. The idea to create something more, to put the poet and his life on the theatre stage, was born.

In the production, Toralv Maurstad gives voice to the poet Rolf Jacobsen, and Wenche Medbøe narrates the story with him. Together they approaches the modernist Rolf Jacobsen's life and poetry, his political involvement, the war and his transition to Nazism. The strong love between Jacobsen and his wife Petra is central. The inspiration for the production was found in Rolf Jacobsen's many poems and notebooks, letters and biographies about the poet. Blues guitarist Amund Maarud takes part as a singer and guitarist onstage, and has, in collaboration with Kim Edvard Bergseth, set music to the performance."


The National Theatre, www.nationaltheatret.no, 11.06.2015, http://www.nationaltheatret.no/Kjente+jeg+deg%3F.b7C_wRvY4L.ips

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.

Contributors (11)
Name Role
Rolf Jacobsen – Author
Liv Borg Thorsen – Script
Toralv Maurstad – Script
Wenche Medbøe – Script
Liv Borg Thorsen – Direction
Kim Edvard Bergseth – Composition
Amund Maarud – Composition
Toralv Maurstad – Actor
Wenche Medbøe – Actor
Amund Maarud – Musician
Barthold Halle – Consultant (Manuskonsulent)
Performance dates
October 24, 2015Amfiscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre visiting performance
October 23, 2015Amfiscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre visiting performance
Navember 6, 2014Kirsten Flagstad salen, Hamar Kulturhus Worldwide premiere