Jævla nordlendinger* (Bloody northerners)

Jævla nordlendinger* (Bloody northerners) is a concert production by Nordland Theatre, produced in 2014, and with basis in texts by Harald Sverdrup and music by Maja Bugge.

Stein Elvestad directs it.

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 42398)
Object type Production
Premiere Navember 13, 2014
Produced by Nordland Theatre
Coproducers Musikk i Nordland
Audience Adults, Youth
Audience size 324
Number of events 7
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Concert
Running period Navember 13, 2014  
Website Nordland Teater


Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 10.09.2014

Nordland Theatre, www.nordlandteater.no, 15.10.2014 http://www.nordlandteater.no/nc/forestillinger/jaevla-nordlendinger.html

Contributors (9)
Name Role
Harald Sverdrup – Text
Stein Elvestad – Direction
Maja Bugge – Composer
Stein Elvestad – Stage design
Thor-Inge Gullvåg – Actor (Resitasjon)
Maja Bugge – Musician (Cello)
Lazar Miletic – Musician (Bratsj)
Inge Rolland – Musician (Fløyte)
Jonathan Williams – Musician (Horn)
Performance dates
Navember 13, 2014Black Box, Nordland Teater, Nordland Theatre Opening night