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Forestillingsprogram til Det Norske Teatret produksjon Galningen og nonna (1988). pdf Navember 18, 1988 Download

The Madman and the Nun

The Madman and the Nun (1988) was a theatre production by The Norwegian Theatre, the Norwegian premiere of a one-act play by Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. The production was performed in The Norwegian Theatre's venue Prøvesalen (later called Scene 3).

Harald Hoaas directed it.

The Madman and the Nun was performed with Heike-Gani by Kido Okamoto.


(Objekt ID 42394)
Object type Production
Premiere Navember 19, 1988
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre
Based on The Madman and the Nun by Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz
Audience Adults
Audience size 1208
Number of events 21
Language Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords Theatre of the absurd, One-act Play, Theatre
Running period Navember 19, 1988  


Einar Dahl's private archive, donated by Einar Dahl, 29.10.2014

Performance dates
Navember 19, 1988Scene 3 (tidligere Prøvesalen), Det Norske Teatret, The Norwegian Theatre National premiere, Norway