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Forestillingsprogram til Det Norske Teatrets produksjon Kontrakten (1986) pdf December 16, 1986 Download

The Contract

The Contract (1986) was a theatre production by The Norwegian Theatre, the Norwegian premiere of the play by Sławomir Mrożek. The production went on tour with The Norwegian Touring Theatre, a run of 19 performances, with its tour opening in Drammen September 16, prior to being performed in The Norwegian Theatre's venue Scene 2.

Gerhard Knoop directed it.

Jack Fjeldstad played the role of Magnus. This was his farewell performance as steadily employed actor at The Norwegian Theatre.


(Objekt ID 41525)
Object type Production
Premiere September 16, 1986
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre
Based on Kontrakten by Sławomir Mrożek
Audience Adults
Number of events 40
Language Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period September 16, 1986  


Einar Dahl's private archive, donated by Einar Dahl, 28.10.2014

Contributors (13)
Name Role
Sławomir Mrożek – Playwright
Ole Michael Selberg – Translation
Gerhard Knoop – Direction
Lubos Hruza – Stage design
Lubos Hruza – Costume design
Jack Fjeldstad – Actor (Magnus)
Vidar Sandem – Actor (Moris)
Doro Walstad – Mask design
Martin Musto – Props
Krzysztof Seliga – Stage manager
Mike Cechanowicz – Photo
Sygne Teigen – Prompter
Cecilia Ölveczky – Program editor
Performance dates
October 24, 1986Scene 2, Det Norske Teatret, The Norwegian Theatre New opening
September 16, 1986Hovedscenen, Drammens teater National premiere, Norway