Migrating Birds

Migrating Birds by Ane Lan was a small concert performance in which the audience met cross-dresser Ane Lan & company. They conveyed a melancholy story about migrating birds that get lost because of increased radiation due to mobile phones.


(Objekt ID 4145)
Object type Production
Premiere September 11, 2005
Produced by Ane Lan
Audience Adults
Keywords Burlesque, Performance, Concert
Running period September 11, 2005  
Website anelanhome

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In Migrating Birds Ane Lan and three female musicians conveyed the story through song, dressed in costumes in surroundings inspired by Pre-Raphaelites. The naïve song was used as a tool to convey the environmentally aware aspect of the production.

Migrating Birds by Ane Lan was supported by Arts Council Norway and MFA (travel grant/performing arts).

Sources: BIT Teatergarasjen, Autumn 2006, 12.09.2010, http://www.bit-teatergarasjen.no/article/64

Spring program 2009, Avant Garden.

Contributors (10)
Name Role
Ane Lan – Text
Ane Lan – Direction
Ane Lan – Music
Ane Lan – Stage design
Ane Lan – Costume
Ane Lan – Performer
Rikke Lundgreen – Performer
Siv Bugge Vatne – Performer
Ingrid Lindberg – Video technician
Ane Lan – Producer
Performance dates
March 7, 2010Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien Show
March 21, 2009Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
March 20, 2009Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
October 11, 2008 19:00 – Lille Scene, The National Stage Show
September 23, 2006BIT Teatergarasjen Show
September 22, 2006BIT Teatergarasjen Show
September 11, 2005 Worldwide premiere