Hier ist der Apparat

Hier ist der Apparatby Chris Kondek (Germany). The American video artist Chris Kondek has been making video for theatre for nearly 15 years. He was the man behind the videos for the famed Wooster Group from New York. Chris Kondek has worked closely with the artist and musician Laurie Anderson and has also been creating video images for the performances of Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods. Hier ist der Apparat is a piece about the technological innovations of the 20th century based on Bertolt Brechts play Der Lindberghflug from 1928.


(Objekt ID 4007)
Object type Production
Produced by
Coproducers Hebbel am Ufer, , , KunstenFestivalDesArts
Based on The Flight across the Ocean AKA Lindbergh's Flight by Bertolt Brecht
Language English
Keywords Multimedia, Theatre, Performance, Radio theatre, Multidisciplinary, Epic Theatre

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

For a long time now the prophets of media have been predicting a better world. Radio made the vast empty space disappear, TV created the Global Village, and Virtual Reality gives us the world we always wanted. The promise is clear: now we can do anything, be anywhere, and participate in everything. Hier ist der Apparat asks what kind of participation is this anyway. The crew of Hier ist der Apparat makes the trip from the radio through television to video games, following a few of the detours along the way to utopia. They make this trip by the side of the world’s first first media superstar, Charles Lindbergh, as he was seen through the eyes of Germany’s first radio theorist Bertolt Brecht. In 1929 Brecht wrote the radio play “Der Ozeanflug.” Brecht’s media drama follows Lindbergh, as he and his machine battle the elements, eventually overcoming nature and arriving in Paris. Hier ist der Apparat changes the channel on this radio drama and re-imagines “Der Ozeanflug” as a contemporary radio talk show, on a TV variety show, and as the subject of a hallucinogenic first-person-shooter video game. And the question is always how much media participation we can take.

The Hier ist der Apparat crew takes “Der Ozeanflug” for a ride and it gets caught in a classic media feedback loop that Brecht himself set in motion. Pop media theorist Marshall McLuhan, (who, by the way, is also a guest on the show), once said “You can’t understand one medium until it becomes the content of another.” Hier ist der Apparat says, “You can’t understand a radio play until you see it on stage pretending to be a TV show”.

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, vårprogram 2007. 09.09.2010: http://www.bit-teatergarasjen.no/article/64

Contributors (11)
Name Role
James Strahs – Text
Christopher Kondek – Direction
Hannes Strobl – Music
Sara Hakkenberg – Costume
Christopher Kondek – Video/Film
Julie Bougard – Performer
Christopher Kondek – Performer
Christiane Kühl – Performer
Victor Morales – Performer
Philipp Hochleichter – Director’s assistant
Victor Morales – Other
Performance dates
March 15, 2007BIT Teatergarasjen Show
March 14, 2007BIT Teatergarasjen Show