Agurktid* (Cucumber time)

Agurktid* (Cucumber time) (1997) was an art action by Tone Avenstroup and Niko Tenten

Avenstroup provides the following information about the project:

"We had built three machines to cut cucumbers: A cucumber saw (formerly a sewing machine), a board with sharp knives (to fold) and a propel cutter (formerly a machine meant for polishing shoes). In a pool there were a large amount of cucumbers, plus some tomatoes. This was in the end of August, time for cucumbers.

Niko brought music, I songs and recipes. We had hoped for a nice, warm summer evening outside in the backyard, but that was not what we got. We cut and cut, we meant to go on until all vegetables had been sliced, but it went on for a long time. The audience didn't want to stand outside in the rain. After a while we ended the action. It took place in the backyard of Podewil, Berlin."

*Not yet translated into the English. The title within parentheses is the Norwegian title's literal meaning.


(Objekt ID 39693)
Object type Production
Premiere August 29, 1997
Produced by
Number of events 1
Keywords Action
Running period August 29, 1997  —  August 29, 1997


Tone Avenstroup's private archive, donated by Tone Avenstroup.12.05.2012

Contributors (2)
Name Role
Tone Avenstroup – Performer
Niko Tenten – Performer
Performance dates
August 29, 1997Podewil, Podewil Center for Contemporary Arts Worldwide premiere