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Season program BIT Teatergarasjen the autumn of 2007 pdf 2007 Download


Gisèle Vienne brings Kindertotenlieder to the stage in collaboration with the American writer Dennis Cooper plus a chosen few extraordinary musical characters. The collaboration partners Peter Rehberg AKA Pita and Stephen O’Malley from the band SunnO))) contributed live onstage when the production was performed in Teatergarasjen in 2007, creating a claustrophobic, threatening atmosphere using electronic sounds, heavy bass and dark guitar riffs.


(Objekt ID 3876)
Object type Production
Produced by Gisèle Vienne
Coproducers , Les Subsistances, Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté à Belfort,
Audience Adults
Language English
Keywords Theatre, Dance theatre, Puppetry, Concert, Multidisciplinary

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

Kindertotenlieder by Gisèle Vienne (France) has been described as a poetic and beautiful Black Metal horror trip. From a snow-covered stage the French choreographer and puppetry maker Gisèle Vienne sends sinister shadows in the audience’s direction. Animated puppets and black characters generate a cruel Alpine landscape balancing scarily between fiction and reality. Kindertotenlieder can be translated to "songs on the deaths of children", and originated with the German poet Friedrich Rückert and his poetry collection of 425 poems he wrote after the loss of his two children.

Source: BIT Teatergarasjen, Meteor 2007. 07.09.20010: http://www.bit-teatergarasjen.no -arkiv

Performance dates
October 17, 2007 21:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
October 16, 2007 21:00 – BIT Teatergarasjen Show
Festivals (1)
METEOR October 16, 2007