
Hoods is a dance production by Fiksdal/Becker.

Ingri Fiksdal choreographed it.

At the webpage of Black Box Teater the following, among other things, is written about Hoods:

"Hoods takes form of a meeting in a secret order, or as a cape-clad quagmire. The occult meets the longwinded, and mortal and dead bodies float into one another in a landscape dissolving itself. In this landscape Ingri Fiksdal and Signe Becker, in collaboration with composer Camilla Barratt-Due, lighting designer Tilo Hahn and performers Ingeleiv Berstad, Kristin Helgebostad, Pernille Holden and Eivind Seljeseth, examine how one may dissolve the borders between choreography, stage design, performers and the audience."


(Objekt ID 38179)
Object type Production
Premiere February 26, 2014
Produced by ,
Coproducers Black Box Teater
Audience Adults
Keywords Dance, Ritual
Running period February 26, 2014  
Website Black Box Teater

Choreographer Ingri Fiksdal and stage designer Signe Becker won Norwegian Critics' Award for dance 2013/2014 for Hoods.

Anette Therese Pettersen said the following, among other things, on behalf of Norwegian Critics' Association during the award ceremony:

"Fiksdal and Becker both have made their marks in their respective fields, but in the projects they have made together - and particularly in Hoods - it has become increasingly difficult to see where the limits between stage design and choreography go.

Hoods is a kind of hybrid between installation and performance, in which the audience is clad in the same burqa-like colourful costumes as the performers. In addition, the rows of seating have been removed, so that performers and spectators are in a room without visible divides. Hoods is a meditative and evocative performance posing questions about what dance is - and at the same time it provides several suggestions. It is an immersive experience in which dance comes from within and outside at the same time."

The complete speech can be read (in Norwegian only) at the website of Norwegian Critics' Association.


Black Box, http://www.blackbox.no/, 18.01.14, http://www.blackbox.no/content/titlePresentation.php?tid=2254

Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 18.01.2014

Norwegian Critics' Association, www.kritikerlaget.no, 25.09.2014, http://kritikerlaget.no/nor/pages/959-dansekritikerprisen_201314

Contributors (9)
Name Role
Ingri Midgard Fiksdal – Choreography
Camilla Vatne Barratt-Due – Music
Signe Becker – Stage design
Ingeleiv Berstad – Performer
Kristin Helgebostad – Performer
Pernille Holden – Performer
Eivind Seljeseth – Performer
Tine Valavuo Tyldum – Producer
Tilo Hahn – Main producer
Performance dates
October 23, 2014 21.00 – Studio USF, USF Verftet (Oktoberdans) Show
October 23, 2014 18.00 – Studio USF, USF Verftet (Oktoberdans) Show
October 22, 2014 21.00 – Studio USF, USF Verftet (Oktoberdans) Show
October 22, 2014 18.00 – Studio USF, USF Verftet (Oktoberdans) Show
March 20, 2014Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) (Oslo International Theatre Festival) Show
March 2, 2014 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
March 2, 2014 21:30 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
March 1, 2014 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
March 1, 2014 21:30 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 28, 2014 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 28, 2014 21:30 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 27, 2014 21:30 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 27, 2014 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 26, 2014 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Worldwide premiere
February 26, 2014 21:30 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
Festivals (2)
Oktoberdans October 22, 2014
Oslo International Theatre Festival March 20, 2014