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Program for Nationaltheatrets produksjon "Sonetter" (2014) pdf February 12, 2014 Download
Sesongprogram for Nationaltheatret vår 2014. pdf January 2014 Download


Sonnets was a theatre production by The National Theatre, produced in 2014 and based on sonnets by William Shakespeare.

Laurent Chétouane directed it.


(Objekt ID 38001)
Object type Production
Premiere February 12, 2014
Produced by The National Theatre
Based on The Sonnets by William Shakespeare
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre
Running period February 12, 2014  

At the webpage of The National Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Sonnets:

"Man blames man, man declares his love to woman, woman blames woman, woman declares love to man. We are thrown back and forth between strong emotions. In one moment there is hatred, in another love. Sonnets is about finding a way in love - without suffering too much.


Shakespeare was extremely concentrated on the text's capacity to convey.  Sonnets aims to reflect feelings, rather than painting them with broad strokes. Shakespeare shows us the love-hatred, the passionate and the contradictory, he urges us to love without conditions even though pain also exists.

It started with director Laurent Chétouane's great fascination for the 154 sonnets from the 16th century. He made a selection and asked himself: Can one even make theatre out of this? The sonnets are typically non-theatrical texts, and this is a trademark of Chétouane as a director: He challenges our established expectations what theatre is supposed to be. How do we perceive a theatre piece without outer conflict?


The music binding it all together is especially composed by Leo Schmidthals, who has collaborated with Chétouane through 15 years."

The sonnets used in the production are number 23, 115, 18, 120, 152, 44, 149, 8, 126, 113, 130, 33, 91, 71, 66, 117, 49, 64, 29, 89, 109, 129, 147, 27 and 154.


The National Theatre, www.nationaltheatret.no, 11.03.2014, http://www.nationaltheatret.no/Sonetter.b7C_wJLK2p.ips

Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 12/12-2013

Performance dates
February 12, 2014Amfiscenen, Nationaltheatret, The National Theatre Opening night