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Forestillingsprogram for Hålogaland Teaters produksjon Et år med magiske tanka (2015) pdf Navember 19, 2015 Download

The Year of Magical Thinking

The Year of Magical Thinking (2015) is a monologue theatre production by The Arctic Theatre, based on the play by Joan Didion.The production was performed in the theatre's venue Prøvesalen.

Nina Wester and Anders T. Andersen directed it. Wester started the work, Andersen took over and completed it.

Guri Johnson performed the text.

The premiere was originally planned for November 2013, and Terje Skonseng Naudeer was supposed to direct it, but it was postponed to 2015 due to illness.


(Objekt ID 36472)
Object type Production
Premiere Navember 18, 2015
Produced by The Arctic Theatre
Based on The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Theatre, Monologue
Running period Navember 6, 2013  
Duration 1 hour, 20 minutes
Website Hålogaland Teater

At the website of The Arctic Theatre the following, among other things, is written about The Year of Magical Thinking:

"It happens all of a sudden, while dinner is being prepared and Joan and her husband discuss their day. He talks no more. He falls over on the floor. He dies. At the same time, their daughter is in a coma at the hospital.

The Year of Magical Thinking is a portrait of a state. Our reactions to mourning are not always rational, and often a struggle against acknowledgement rises."


The Arctic Theatre, www.ht.tr.no, 23.06.2015, http://ht.tr.no/index.php/theatre/showview?iShowID=557

Import from the Scenekunst.no list of openings 24.09.2013

Contributors (18)
Name Role
Joan Didion – Playwright
Guri Johnson – Adapted by
Terje Skonseng Naudeer – Translation
Anders T. Andersen – Direction (2015)
Terje Skonseng Naudeer – Direction (2013)
Nina Wester – Direction (2015)
Nora Furuholmen – Stage design
Nora Furuholmen – Costume design
Liv Henriksen – Costume
Jon Håkon Paulsen – Lighting design
Guri Johnson – Actor
Hege Nordnes – Mask design
Paul Albert Dzur – Props
Kristine Myhre Tunheim – Stage manager
Johan Wevling Bergstrøm – Stage Manager
Kolbjørn Lyslo – Sound technician
Erlend Østrem Nielsen – Lighting technician
Kristine Myhre Tunheim – Prompter
Performance dates
Navember 18, 2015Prøvesalen, Hålogaland Teater, The Arctic Theatre Opening night
Navember 6, 2013Prøvesalen, Hålogaland Teater, The Arctic Theatre Cancelled