
Hair (2018) was a musical theatre production by Hair AS in collaboration with Stageway og McCann-Erickson AS, based on the musical by Gerome Ragni (book and lyrics), James Rado (book and lyrics) and Galt MacDermot (music). The production was performed at Bryggeteatret.

Marianne Skovli and Tom Sterri directed it.

Kim Fangen played the role of Claude.

Per Ståle Heimark Pettersen played the role of Berger.

Ida Lind played the role of Sheila.


(Objekt ID 35390)
Object type Production
Premiere 1992
Produced by
In collaboration with
Based on Hair by James Rado, Gerome Bernard Ragni, Galt MacDermot
Audience Adults, Youth
Language Norwegian
Keywords Musical, Theatre
Running period 1992  


Einar Dahl's private archive, donated by Einar Dahl, 24.11.2015

Performance dates
1992Teatersalen, Bryggeteatret, Oslo Opening night