Corps for Sale (Lik til Salgs)

Corps for sale (2005) by Baktruppen. Baktruppen cancels the 100 year jubilee celebration for the dissolution of the Norwegian-Swedish union to play Dario Fo's Corps for Sale.


(Objekt ID 3473)
Object type Production
Premiere February 4, 2005
Produced by Baktruppen
Coproducers BIT Teatergarasjen, Black Box Teater, Rosendal Teater, Kulturhuset in Stockholm
Based on Corps for Sale by Dario Fo
Audience Adults
Number of events 12
Language Swedish
Keywords Physical theatre, Farce, Musical theatre, Post-dramatic theatre, Theatre
Running period February 5, 2005  —  May 21, 2005
Website Baktruppen

Requirements to venue

Blackout No

In 2005 Norway celebrated 100 years as an independent nation after the dissolution of the union with Sweden. Baktruppen had planned to look back and make a variety over the past 100 years as Norwegians.

Deadline was getting closer and Baktruppen didn't know how to make it. The condition of the nation will be highlighted in a better way if we present Dario Fo's Corps for Sale, one of the Baktruppen members said. By this, a new game was on, a shadow play with live corpses and demanding assets.

Lik som har kommet og lik som har grått (Corpes who have come and corpses who have cried) lik som er levende lik har det godt (corpses who are alive corpses have a good time) lik som er lik som er lik som er lik (corpses who are corpses who are corpses who are corpses) lik som er stumme som går med et skrik (corpses who are silent who go with a scream) lik som var smålik ble prikk like størst (corpses who were a little similar were very similar largest) lik som er lik etterpå var lik først (corpses who are corpses after were corpses first) lik som ble hardt sminka lik som en blek (corpses who were heavily made up corpses who are pale) lik som likvider går lett som en lek (corpses as assets go easily as a game)


Baktruppen,, 03.09.2010

Baktruppen archive. Baktruppen. 04.03.2011

Contributors (8)
Name Role
Dario Fo – Playwright
Hans Jaran Skogen – Lighting design
Øyvind Berg – Performer
Trine Falch – Performer
Jørgen Knudsen – Performer
Bo Krister Wallström – Performer
Worm Winther – Performer
John Hegre – Sound technician
Performance dates
May 21, 2005Karlstad Stadsteater Show
May 18, 2005Kulturhuset (Stockholm), Kulturhuset in Stockholm Show
May 17, 2005Kulturhuset (Stockholm), Kulturhuset in Stockholm Show
March 5, 2005 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) (Ålesund Theatre Festival) Show
February 27, 2005 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 26, 2005 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 25, 2005 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 24, 2005 19:00 – Store scene Black Box Teater (Marstrandgata) Show
February 17, 2005Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
February 16, 2005Teaterhuset Avant Garden Show
February 6, 2005BIT Teatergarasjen Show
February 5, 2005BIT Teatergarasjen Show
February 4, 2005BIT Teatergarasjen Opening night
Festivals (1)
Press coverage

Amund Grimstad, Corps for sale, 18.02.2005, Klassekampen [Oslo]:
"Instead I am happy there are groups such as Baktruppen who dares to turn things upside down in the eleventh hour, who dares to be spontaneous and to not give a damn about what is ready to present onstage. This production is an example that a hurried sketch can be as illustrating as a completed detailed painting."