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Season program from The Norwegian Theatre in the spring of 2013. pdf January 2013 Download


Eg/Ik/Ich/I is a theatre production by The Norwegian Theatre and De Toneelmakerij in collaboration, produced in 2013.

Jonas Corell Petersen directed it.

The production springs out from the play Eg/Ik/Ich/I by Oscar van Woensel, inspired by the myths about Narcissus and Echo, and created with input from youth in Oslo and Amsterdam.

Jonas Corell Petersen directed it.

The project is part of the theatre initiative Young Europe, initiated by the theatre network European Theatre Convention (ETC) and supported by The European Commission.

Eg/Ik/Ich/I won The Hedda Award in the best production for children and youth category, and it got two more nominations: Jonas Corell Petersen was nominated for The Hedda Award in the best direction category, whereas Eg/Ik/Ich/I also was nominated in the special artistic achievement category.

The Hedda jury gave the following reason for the children and youth category award:

"Breaking a new path when creating theatre for children and youth demands courage. But just then theatre for children and youth is at its best. This year's winner is such a production, innovative and limitless. In expression, language, content and structure it is a game with all the elements of theatre, and playfully - light and entertaining - it breaks ground while turning up deep, existential serious-mindedness. The performance elegantly balances ancient storytelling and contemporary virtual reality. This year's production for children and youth is clever and existential theatre in which both direction and acting are characterised by energy surplus. The winning production crosses borders between worlds and between languages. This year's award for best production for children and youth goes to Eg/Ik/Ich/I."


(Objekt ID 33622)
Object type Production
Premiere February 23, 2013
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre, De Toneelmakerij
Based on Eg/Ik/Ich/I by Oscar van Woensel, Maren Bjørseth
Audience Youth
Audience size 864
Number of events 13
Language Dutch, English and Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords Theatre, Performance for youth
Running period February 23, 2013  
Duration 1 hour

At the webpage of The Norwegian Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Eg/Ik/Ich/I by The Norwegian Theatre and De Toneelmakerij:

"Based on the old, Greek myth about Narcissus and Echo, he who fell in love with his own reflection and she who was cursed so that she could only ever echo others, the Dutch playwright Oscar van Woensel has written a play simply called I. Youth from Oslo and Amsterdam have during the process given input and perspectives on how it is to be young today.

The coproduction is part of the great theatre project Young Europe, an initiative by the theatre network European Theatre Convention (ETC). The project has been supported with means from The European Commission. In addition to Holland and Norway, theatres from Cyprus, Germany, Finland, France and Hungary take part in the project."

Eg/Ik/Ich/I is performed partly in Norwegian, partly in Dutch and partly in English, using the same three actors in Oslo (from February 23 2013) and Amsterdam (from March 14 2013). All the four words of the title mean I.


The Norwegian Theatre, www.detnorsketeatret.no, 24.02.2013, http://www.detnorsketeatret.no/index.php?option=com_play&view=play&playid=380&tab=1

The Hedda Award, heddaprisen.no, 10.06.2013, http://www.heddaprisen.no/pub/heddaprisen/main/?aid=1176

Contributors (13)
Name Role
Oscar van Woensel – Playwright
Maren Bjørseth – Translation
Ola E. Bø – Translation
Jonas Corell Petersen – Direction
Ola E. Bø – Dramaturge
Paulien Geerlings – Dramaturge
Nia Damerell – Visual design (Visuell konsulent/stage design consultant)
Keja Kwestro – Actor
Oddgeir Thune – Actor
Chiem Vreeken – Actor
Hedda Rønneberg – Stage manager
Pelle Dengsø – Stage Manager
Tryggve Ildahl – Stage Manager
Performance dates