Which Witch

Which Witch was a musical theatre production produced by The Norwegian Theatre in 2008, based on the musical by Ingrid Bjørnov, Benedicte Adrian and Ole Sørli.

Hilde Andersen directed it.

At the webpage of The Norwegian Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Which Witch:

"The story of Which Witch is dramatic as well as romantic and tragic. The storyline takes place in Germany during the politically uneasy age of reformation, during the mid-1500es. The young, unprejudiced Maria (Heidi Gjermundsen Broch) falls in love with the catholic career bishop Daniel (Paul-Ottar Haga). If he wants to marry, he must give up his position. In addition Maria is already promised to a rich banker, and the scandal is a fact. The sister of Daniel, Anna Regina (Gjertrud Jynge), observes that her brother's career is threatened by this love story, and shies nothing to stop the relationship.

Anna Regina makes a sly plan throwing suspicion Maria is a witch. That she gets in touch with one of the village's 'wise women', Gertrud (Ingrid Jørgensen Dragland), doesn't help Maria's situation. Soon the witch hunt is on, and an impossible love story is on its way to the witch bonfire."


(Objekt ID 32890)
Object type Production
Premiere August 27, 2008
Produced by The Norwegian Theatre
Based on Which Witch by Ingrid Bjørnov, Ingrid Bjørnov, Benedicte Adrian, Benedicte Adrian, Ole Sørli
Audience Adults, Youth
Audience size 22165
Number of events 51
Language Norwegian Nynorsk
Keywords Musical, Theatre
Running period August 27, 2008  
Duration 2 hours and 10 minutes, including an interval
Website Det Norske Teatret

At the webpage of The Norwegian Theatre the following, among other things, is written about Which Witch:

"The story of Maria Vittoria was made through a collaboration project between the long-term manager of Dollie de Luxe, Ole Sørli, Ingrid Bjørnov and Benedicte Adrian Mouton. The book Malleus Maleficarum from 1487 was a source of inspiration to the story. This is a handbook in how to trace, reveal, investigate and prosecute witch criminality, and it was written by the two monks Krämer and Sprenger. The pope Innocent VII gave his blessing to the book's content, and it got a certain significance for the witch prosecutions during the 1500eds."


The Norwegian Theatre, detnorsketeatret.no, 17.10.2012, http://www.detnorsketeatret.no/index.php?option=com_play&view=play&playid=185

Performance dates
August 27, 2008Hovudscenen, The Norwegian Theatre Opening night
Press coverage

Lillian Bikset, Dagbladet, 28.08.2008, Hvilken heks! (literally: What a witch!), http://www.dagbladet.no/kultur/2008/08/28/545026.html:

"In a universe dominated by witches, bitches and holier-than-thou gentlemen, the innocent Maria (Gjermundsen Broch) represents naivety as well as normality. Both are soon to be transformed. (...) Heidi Gjermundsen Broch interprets the role with credibility and involvement. She bewitches us with her presence. But Gjertrud Jynge is a worthy opponent. In the role of the possessive sister of the bishop, Anna Regina, she manipulates her brother as well as his colleagues, farcically evil, down to the brazen detail of the poisonous cross around her neck. Musically, too, the oppositions become each other; the deep, dark voice of Jynge is an interesting contrast to Gjermundsen Broch's clear singing voice, rich in variation."