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Program fra Rogaland Teaters produksjon Woyzeck (1999) pdf 1999 Download


Woyzeck was a theatre production produced by Rogaland Theatre in 1999, based on the play by Georg Büchner.

Gábor Zsámbéki directed it and Fridtjov Såheim interpreted the title role.


(Objekt ID 32447)
Object type Production
Premiere September 11, 1999
Produced by Rogaland Theatre
Based on Woyzeck by Georg Büchner
Audience Adults
Language Norwegian
Keywords Drama, Theatre
Running period September 11, 1999  

Woyzeck by Rogaland Theatre was nominated for The Hedda Award 2000 in the best production category.


Dag og Tid, www.dagogtid.no, 13.11.2012, http://www.dagogtid.no/arkiv/1999/37/teater.html

Sceneweb on The Hedda Award 2000, www.sceneweb.no, 12.11.2012, http://www.sceneweb.no/en/awarding/23919/Heddaprisen_2000-2000

Performance dates
September 11, 1999Hovedscenen, Rogaland Teater Opening night